SRS now offers affordable vehicle and product inspection services to help you evaluate and understand the potential issues before you file a case.
Centrally located in the Chicago area, Tony Di Viesti is a licensed attorney and degreed mechanical engineer with SRS who spent nearly 20 years working in the automotive product liability area inspecting and evaluating cases nationwide. During an inspection, Mr. Di Viesti can quickly get to the heart of your case while drawing on the seasoned staff at SRS for the pertinent background information. Together, our team of consultants can help you cost-effectively evaluate your potential case and understand the issues.
- Vehicle and Product Inspections include:
- Vehicle interior and exterior or product damage analysis
- Occupant restraint and system data
- Tire data
- Incident facts
- Similar complaints, relevant recalls and investigations, components and data for incident analysis
- Case theories
- Pros and cons of pursuing a product liability case based on evidence and facts
- Detailed photo and video portfolio of the incident vehicle(s) or product
- Easy to read and understand inspection report
- Flat fee
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